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Our Values


InProSure recognizes that each client is different; though, there are a number of common values within each that we embrace. These values are:

  • Team Work


Our focus is on IT Service Delivery for our clients.  We believe in effective communications with executives and delivery teams that realize the desired results.  We guarantee the alignment with all key stakeholders; management, vendors and organizational staff within one team with a shared vision and path to achieve success.

  • Transparency


Our client’s needs come first; period.  We believe that a program’s current status and risk profile should be communicated in the context of business objectives.  Program tools can bring clarity, reveal the critical path and provide reporting.  But as an independent company, we believe in performing as the owner or sponsor’s representative while ensuring our advice is unbiased.

  • Delivery Assurance


We emphasize the essentials to realize benefits; the relationships between scope, schedule, cost and quality.  Working with the program team; we define and over communicate the path for success.  At predefined intervals, we conduct quality reviews for milestones, running operating cost, risk and alignment with stakeholder expectations.  Client quality assurance reviews are conducted by an InProSure senior partner on all deliverables at no cost to our clients. 


Our values, clearly defined business objectives and the right mix of Program or Project Management consultancy, enable InProSure in meeting our client’s expectations.

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